Siding Schedule:
10/18/24: Siding crews will be onsite today and tomorrow Saturday, Oct 18th, 24 to finish the metal tops on the deck dividers.
10/11/24: UPDATE: Crews will not be onsite this weekend. We are still waiting on materials and will finish the deck dividers the following weekend and will be onsite Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th.
10/7/24: Crews will be onsite Sunday 10/13/24, to install the metal on the deck dividers. Also if you are still needing your flood light reattached, the electrician will be back on Monday 10/14/24. Please make sure your flood light is sitting outside by your front door. All wires with no light will be boxed and capped to pass inspection.
10/3/24: Crews will be finishing up the siding project today and tomorrow on buildings two and three. Siding project is on schedule to be finished by Friday evening. Crews will be back for the metal wrap that will go on the deck dividers next week.
10/1/24: Crews will continue to work on building two and three.
9/27/24: Crews will continue to tear off the siding on the back of building three and work on the back of building two.
9/27/24: Crews will begin to remove the siding on buidling 3 and continue to work on building 1 and 2. On Monday, crews will begin to remove siding on the front on building 3. Please make sure all vehicles are moved out of the way and out of the garage by 7 AM.
9/26/24: Crews again will be working on building 1 and 2. Crews may begin to work on the back side of building 3 and opening up the deck partion walls and remove the old siding.
9/25/24: The crews began to remove siding on the back on building two, crews will continue to be working on both buildings 1 and 2.
9/24/24: If you have flood lights that are going to be put back up, please put these lights in your garage, with other lights being replaced and the disposal of the old lights it could be easily thrown away by accident. Crews will continue to be working on building one and two tomorrow.
9/23/24: Crews will begin to work on both buildings one and two today to keep the project moving. More material will be dropped of tomorrow on Tuesday. Please keep an eye out on posting signs on the garage doors to inform when your unit will be impacted.
***URGENT: If you would like your black out blinds removed (exterior only) Please email JaimeLyn by end of day today to put you on the list of units to be removed. I currently have 2 units on this list. Once the siding has been done on your unit, it will be to late to remove the blinds.
9/18/24: Thank you for making sure that vehicles are out of the way of the crews, please continue to have vehicles removed from building one the rest of the week. Crews will be working on building one for about a week. More supplies will be dropped of on next Tuesday to start to prepare for building two. This is weather permitting.
9/17/24: Siding project will start tomorrow, please have any Ring or Security cameras removed if they require a special tool to remove and to prevent any damage and to make sure the crews are able to move efficiently. The start of the project will mainly be set up tomorrow and tear off starting. Please make sure cars are out of the garages and off of Dartmouth Place to allow crews access to the building.
9/16/24: Materials and eqipment will be dropped off, please use caution as enterences may be blocked off. Start date is still September 18th weather pending.
Siding is scheduled to start September 18th, weather pending. Material and equipment will be dropped of prior on Monday. Crews will be starting on building 1, then move to building 2 and 3. Each building will take about a week to finish. Exterior lights will be removed one building at a time and not put back up until the siding is finished on that building. Please use caution while outside after dark. Please make sure all personal items are removed from the decks and keep the driveways clear of vehicles. All vehicles should be moved from in front of buildings by 7 AM while working on your building. Doors will be posted for reminders when we will be working on your building. The East entrance on Dartmouth Place will be blocked off. The siding will take up more room than the shingles and there will not be a lot of additional room in areas, please use caution
Gutter schedule:
9/13/24: Gutter Crews will not be back out until after the siding is replaced. They will then replace the remaining gutters along the decks and downspouts, along with the roof gutters needing attional equipment. Units 934 and 906 Dartmouth Place will also be done after the siding.
9/10/24: Vehicles need to be moved as soon as possible, at units 934 and 906 Dartmouth Place. Signs have been posted on the garage to inform what units will be done on a specific day. It is important to make sure cars are not parked in front of the garages or buildings while there is work being done on the building. We understand this is an inconvenience, however to move the job along smoothly we ask for your cooperation.
9/9/2024: Crews will be working on building 2 and 1 this week, please do not park in front of the garages if you are in building 1 or 2, crews will be trying to work as efficiantly as possible.
9/4/2024: Crews will be starting to replace the gutters on building one, then building two and three. Down spouts will not be done until after the siding is replaced. Garages may be blocked at times, please be patient and allow crews to work and park on the street while crews are working on the front of the buildings. Crews were not able to start on building 1 and moved to building 3 due to vehicles in the way and in front of garages.
***Gutters only, downspouts will be replaced once siding is done.
Roofing Schedule:
8/16/24: Crews have finished with the roofing portion of the project and clean up. We won’t be starting the siding project until Septemeber and materials are in. We will send out a notice as to when we will be back out to all owners.
8/14/24: Thank you to all that came out to meet with us yesterday, I enjoyed talking with you all. We are hoping to finish up with the roofing portion of the project this week if the rain holds off today and tomorrow. There will be a break in between the roofing project and the siding project. We will be in communication when we have a start date for the siding.
8/13/24: Crews will continue to work on building 3 and finish up the roofing in the next couple of days.
We hope to see you at the meet and greet today starting at 3:30. Location may change to the enterance of Dartmouth Place from Erie, as the crews are now working on building 3.
8/12/24: Crews will continue to work on building 2 today and will most likely finish building two and start on building 3 today. Please be mindful of the crews and minimize the in and out traffic.
8/9/24: Crews should finish up on replacing shingles on building one. We will also have crews starting on the shingle replacement on building two today. Please remember to have vehicles out of the garage and parked on side streets if possible and minimize the travel on Dartmouth Place to help the project run smoothly. Crews will be working tomorrow, Saturday, 8/10/24.
8/8/24: Crews will continue to work on replacing the shingles on building one.
8/7/24: Crews will continue to work on replacing the shingles on building one, please remember if you do not use the satelite that is attached to your unit to let JaimeLyn at JaimeLyn.L@capitalmn.com know so it can be removed and disposed of.
Crews will begin on building 1, the north building today. Please move your car out of the garage and out of the driveways to allow our crews to work as efficiently as possible, if there are crews and equipment in the area please give them space and stay out of the area. Please park on the streets during the day to minimize traffic.
Due to the weather we will not be onsite today. Project to start tomorrow 8/6/24 weather pending.
Please join us on 8/13/24 for our meet and greet.
What to expect:
We expect each building to take approx. 4-5 days to complete. We will have 20 people on our crew working onsite and working on building one (north building) first and work our way to the second and third building (south). We will then move on to the replacement of the siding in the same order.
There will be disruptions and required accommodations to be made by residents. We appreciate your patience throughout the project and your understanding as we work through repairs.
As with any large construction project, some issues are anticipated. Please report them to us as soon as possible so we can address accordingly.
Have your vehicles off the driveway and moved out and away from your garage and building by 7:00 AM on the day(s) listed above to prevent damage to vehicles.
Suggestions to Ensure a Problem Free Roof
Remove patio furniture, grill and property from decks/patios as well as fragile items from walls, as these may incur damage during work. Contractor is NOT liable for such damages.
Please remove pet waste from your yard before the project starts to avoid messes on the roof and sidewalks, etc. as a result.
While we are working on your home, please close your window coverings during the day. This will help avoid any accidental embarrassments as the workers go up and down ladders to access the roof.
If there are any special or delicate plant or shrubs, please notify us of them before the job starts and we will protect them as best as possible.
Clean Up
One of the most important aspects of a project is keeping the area clean during the job. Here is how we strive to do this every day...
Clean your site during the day and at the end of the day.
Clean your lawn and site with our magnetic “nail-finder” to reduce chance of any nails being left in your lawn.
Keep our tools and materials neatly organized and out of the way.
Conditions beyond our control
Please be aware that despite our best efforts the following may occur during improvement projects, and are not the responsibility of the contractor:
Existing structural problems: Such as loose or cracked plaster and drywall, sagging rafters, nail-pops, bowed walls, previously rotted or damaged materials, etc.
Scheduling difficulties: We do our best to stay on schedule, but mother nature and other emergencies can lead to delays. We will do our best to limit delays.
Satellite Dish notice
Homeowners who have satellite dishes will be without service during the re-roofing of your building. Stronghouse Solutions will reset the dish to the best of their ability,
however if you experience issues please notify your service provider to schedule a
service call for recalibration.
If you DO NOT want your satellite dish re-installed once the roof replacement is completed, please contact JaimeLyn Loewen before the start of your building by emailing
jaimelyn.l@capitalmn.com so it can be properly disposed of.
Please do not hesitate to contact Stronghouse Solutions with any questions or concerns via the website form on this page, or by contacting your account manager, JaimeLyn Loewen, at 952-222-4004 or at Jaimelyn.l@capitalmn.com Please leave your address, name, email and phone number when you contact us. Thank you!
Monday 8/5 - Bring out and boom building #1 first thing in the am
Wednesday 8/7 - bring out and boom building #2 first thing in the am
Monday 8/12 - bring out and boom building #3 first thing in the am
Both of the East entrances to Dartmouth Place and Dartmouth Ave will be blocked off for heavy equipment and material starting Friday 8/2, we apologize for the inconvenience.
The roofing project will take about 2 weeks weather permitting and then we will move onto the siding portion of the project.
Please remove all personal items from the decks to prevent any damage to them while the crews are working on your building. We also ask that you find alternative parking and make sure your car is removed from your garage by 7 AM when crews begin to work. This will help the project run smoothly and prevent damage to your vehicle. If you have renters in your unit please advise them of this information.